Agenda Item Summary


Public Works Committee Meeting Date: September 30, 2014

City Council Meeting Date: October 6, 2014

Staff Contact: Nicole Lecy, Project Engineer

Petitioner: Dream Design International, Inc. for Discovery Circle, LLC

Location: Southwest quadrant of the East Mall Drive and North Elk Vale Road intersection, Discovery Subdivision, Section 28, T2N, R8E, BHM, Pennington County, Rapid City, South Dakota.

Agenda Title:

Authorize the Mayor and Finance Officer to Sign an Agreement between the City of Rapid City and Discovery Circle, LLC for Force Main Casings Cost Reimbursement, not to exceed $41,620.80.


This is an agreement for cost reimbursement to Discovery Circle, LLC for the entire cost to install approximately 480 linear feet of 30-inch RCP casings for two future force mains planned from the Elk Vale Lift Station under Discovery Circle road. The developer installed the casings at the request of the City so that when the force mains are installed in the future, it will prevent cutting into the road pavement. Therefore, the entire cost to construct the casings is the responsibility of the City.

Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable):



Cost Center



Cost Center

Wastewater - 0604

Expansion - 0834















Action: Choose an item.  Approve oversize cost reimbursement and authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to sign agreement.


City Council Options:

1.    Approve request for reimbursement for the requested amount.

2.    Deny request for reimbursement.

3.    Approve request for reimbursement with an adjusted amount.

Attachments & Links:


Project Location Map





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